If you know Rory, you know he's always been very independent. At 4 months he wanted to use the spoon to feed himself even though he didn't have the motor skills to do that yet. At 9 months he started walking all around the house. At 10 months he always needed to hold the toothbrush. Heaven forbid mommy or daddy doing it. He would just scream and or bite to get that thing out of his mouth. But you give him the brush and he will happily tap it inside his mouth and do a little jig at the same time. Now though that he's a todd-ager, his independence has grown to a whole new level. You can't change a diaper anymore without him getting mad. He wants to do it himself and if he could I'd gladly let him. Cut his food up for him? Heck no! He doesn't want that. Give me the whole banana, he says in a simple and demanding "mmmp." vocalization. A cute curly headed nod always accompanies that noise. It's too cute not to smile, but don't smile too long because its not cute when he bursts out in a tantrum because he doesn't get to milk the cow, pour his own milk himself and then screw the lid on himself. This toddler business is insanity. Oh no. I'm not saying its aggravating or obnoxious at all. You must be misreading the tone. I'm just saying it's really really insane.

We were excited to get to Olive Garden because I was starving. So apparently was a woman who walked out of her way, almost got hit by a car driving by and then tripped up the curb just to cross our path. "Oh he's darling!" she says, "But I can't look at him! He's so cute, I might just KIDNAP him!" It was really hard to smile and nod, but then again it's not the first time someone has said something like that before. To quote my favorite Scarecrow, "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking."

Moral of the Story: Toddlers = Exhausting!
Needless to say, I ordered a Sangria. #rewardyourself
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